Thursday, April 16, 2009

you light up my life!

you, you, you, you and of cos you!! :)

today, feeling rather jolly, i went straight out of school after the very last class ended
(it was math and for the first time this year, i nearly passed my test!).
bought cream puffs from ritz westmall, and some other foodstuff, then i went all the way to T's place unannounced haha. had to sit outside the gate for about half an hour because no one was home. i love love love loco!! he was barking nonstop for a bit, then he finally found his way out of the house so he played with me while i was waiting outside! haha silly stupid dog tried to jump over the gate, really!

now i'm/we're in the house.
when T's sister comes home we're going to watch fast and furious 4 on dvd :) :)

for now just gonna just pop the cookie dough into the oven
and the cream puffs into the freezer
oh the grapes go in there too
and i'll get a quick nap

there's club training at eight later on! i can really do with some sort of motivation and encouragement, let's say a short conversation with MC perhaps? :D

when was the last time i felt this good?
so not pressed for time, so free, with barely anything weighing me down
since forever

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