Saturday, March 14, 2009

"1, paperbags....99, the canvas shoes, and 100, zippo lighters!"

"yep! these are a few of my favourite things!"

it's the PMS. it has to be it. i'm irritated with a few people for not very valid reasons.

for example, the guy who just told me that "life's like a box of chocolates."
i admit that i am a big fan of cliches. simple words like "i'll always be there for you" still melt my heart. and i am fond of saying "everything will be fine in the end." umz actually, i live by it.

but please, do not tell me things like LIFE'S LIKE A BOX OF CHOCOLATES because LIFE'S SO NOT LIKE A BOX OF CHOCOLATES.
hello mister, not all cliches are timeless. this one DOES NOT APPLY ANYMORE.

nong nong time ago when ink was expensive and in limited colours, chocolate production companies printed only labels and names of their products onto dull, lacklustre packagings. there was hardly any clue of what was in there/how whatever you were buying looked like. so you didnt know what you were going to get. so it was acceptable to tell someone "life's like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're going to get."

now, when you go to ntuc, cold storage, or even coles if you live in australia, YOU CAN CHOOSE WHAT KIND OF CHOCOLATES YOU WANT.
merci? kit kat? cadbury? pictures of that kinda choc are literally printed on their packaging and hence YOU DO KNOW WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO GET.

cut that crap and give me something of more substance, let's say..
forget it i cant think of anything at the moment.

and i cant believe i just wrote four entire paragraphs about life not being a box of chocolates. grrr.

i didn't do much today. i had lunch for tangyuan. i mean tangyuan for lunch.
and i had mangoes after that. they were so sour i had to neutralise the taste with sugar, seriously. and we actually bought like a whole carton of them !! one whole carton of sour mangoes !!
we got them from this wholesay centre at pasir panjang. so many cos the act-nice uncle allowed us to try one and my oh my it was the sweetest ever! but then he scam us one lor now the mangoes we bought so sour so uneatable makes me cringe yet the ones he give people try hor like so super sweet as sweet as love
now my mom says she's never getting fruits from that place anymore! this is very bad news because that uncle is my strawberry supplier, and although he is a scammer, he imports the bestest strawberries from i dont know where and at a very reasonable price so my mom buys them by the carton too.
i hope she said those words only in a fit of anger because i really cannot survive with normal supermarket stawberries anymore

i went for NSL today. i think i'm like totally jinxed cos both the teams i support lost again. hahaha not that i really believe in luck, but that's the best way to put it.
it was the same two weeks ago!
i've learnt my lesson, from now i'll use something-like-reverse-psychology. i'll cheer for the teams i hope will not win, so that the team i truly hope will shine, will shine.
shared two regular pizzas with peishing(?) della qiuying!
then after that when we went to look for rima gwen etc, i talked very loudly and openly of my love for MC without knowing that MC's sisters and perhaps future-brother-in-law were sitting just two metres in front of me! it was quite embarrassing.

parental department came to pick me up from the stadium, and at 10.20pm, we found a jap restaurant still in business just as we were craving for sushi.
so i foiled my dieting plans again.
i had supper :(
as if it wasn't bad enough, i had carbohydrates for supper :(

from now on i am staying on a strict atkin's diet. if you see me eat rice/noodles after 2pm you may slap me.

and i havent been taking in enough water so now i have zits. many many.

good thing it's the holidays.
i'm going to spam-drink H2O and run and gym and train so by the time i return to school, i will be clear-faced and slim.
i wish.


Anonymous said...

hee coles :d

unrevealed love said...

to cole: