Thursday, January 22, 2009

swoon this is the same old blood rush with a new touch

i am safe, quaint and eloquent.

quite an exciting day, i might say.
i get all jumpy just wondering if the MCs will come back to RV for CNY celebrations! :D :D

i got a message that ms puva was trying to contact me (rather urgently). i called her right after class ended and she landed me my first-ever coaching job!
well it's a job cos according to her, i'm going to get paid !!!

so instead of supporting at the RV against Pioneer match (quite one-way, as i heard from some), i dragged fernshen along with me and we went to henry park pri school!
we stood in for MP and led the kids through their training i thought it was mighty fun! some of them are really good, not very surprising since they're MP's girls.
i mean, just look what's become of us! :D
hahaha i'm just joking dont slap me
actually it was a bit tough at first cos everything was just so confusing but i guess we werent undeterred and it certainly paid off!

it's been quite a long time since fernshen and i spent time tgt like that! we had club sandwiches (ahhhh, delish :)) from 7-11 before and after the trg :D
i just want you to know that... you know what i mean!
please dont any o' how think anymore cos... you know what i mean too!

yes, here it is after so much procrastination! my new year resolutions :)
serious business.
in no order of importance, really.
  1. watch a horror movie (and try not to coward out halfway through).

  2. to reinvent myself as someone trustworthy and to get my name of the teachers' literal black list.

  3. get back on track for netball.
    boy thr's really so much i have to work on. yes i remember saying that the flame for the game has officially died down and i still mean it. but come to think of it, who else am i, if not a netballer?
    this is my identity. for speed7, for the rest who still believe in me :)

  4. go for careteam and bible study sessions!

  5. to lose 5kg.
    hahaha i have one whole year to do that. this shd so be a one-month resolution.

  6. to learn to play my (pink) eucalele!

  7. more piercings, as and when and wherever i feel like it. or at the very least one at the upper ear cartilage.

  8. grow fringe and never do anything stupid to it again.

  9. GPA 3.5
    it's after all, a resolution so dont stare at me like that.

  10. keep my friends.
    maybe in my pocket? hahaha

  11. work and get 500 dollars by myself.
    note: earnings from being a daughter or granddaughter or grandniece do not count.

  12. get my second golf PC. start playing all over again :)
    that will really make my dad happy.

  13. improve relationship with parental department and co-units alike.

    truth to be told, i just didn't want to stop at 13 but i cant think of anyth else hahaha. label me "superstitious" but i wont take the risk since CNY is just days away.
making resolutions is one thing, doing them is another.


Anonymous said...

i miss you.

Anonymous said...

your paid???


unrevealed love said...

to anon:
hahaha hi jer!
i don't know whens the pay coming