Saturday, December 6, 2008

not a whisper, the only noise is the receiver

i'm counting the seconds until you break the silence, so please just break the sentence.

hello! i am still very tired despite having slept through my afternoon!
oh and i reached home only at 11 something this morning

no pictures so fk off if you're not in the mood for words which gnarl at you.

ytd night was speed's xmas party! a bit early yes. hahaha i got my first two presents alr (one from gift exchange, another from miss lim)!
anyw it started at 7.30pm but i wasnt thr till like, 10plus cos my dad detoured here and thr to buy stuff instead of fetching me straight.
and by then like, more than half the people were gone :(
so i didnt rly get to know who's who (if you get what i mean).
so i went thr for the food and to slp (literally) hahaha

mahjong. TV. sandwiches. watch more mahjong. watch more TV. eat more sandwiches.

by like 4am+ those who stayed over (geok, may, charmaine, charis, della, miss lim like duh hello its her house and oh yay i rmbed their names but did i miss anyone out) all conked out in the living room

when i awoke the next day only della may geok (and miss lim like duh hello its her house again) were left. had a reallyyyyy good breakfast (yes we even had mangoes and rice and curry) though they were mainly ytd's leftovers :)
then we sat around the table and talked for like, an hour plus or maybe even two hours, until the adults had to leave for batam
was very very very funny :D

della and i went home tgt and i learnt so so so much abt speed (seven). abt how it was set-up and everything. plus random facts like charmaine's in u21 (or u19 i cant rmb) and she's charis' sister, may and miss lim are sisters too, miss lim's in sneakers but she's our coach, other netball politics etc

i suddenly feel like playing (netball)

okayi so !@#$%^&*(
sorry tanya! we're still friends right hahaha

my second hole on right ear is closing alr :(
k lets go pierce

oh and we (RVNB) might be playing against geok's girls on the 30dec morning. i messaged ms loo (yes i did hahah yay yeyun's in korea now thank goodness) and she seems keen

so what am i supposed to do in a situation like this?


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

I set-up a blog, haha.
For you...

unrevealed love said...

to ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttsays:

hahah OISHI OISHI back.

to alfred:

WOW YOU POSTED! hahah hope you're having fun :)
i refuse to leave a comment btw

Jasmine (: said...


unrevealed love said...

to jasmine:

hello! i missed you at the party :(
but speed7 ftw!