Saturday, September 27, 2008

so hold me close and say three words like you used to do

its rly all about you.

"Failure is an event, never a person."
- Beerbohm Max

at 9AM, i was walking around in JP with weijie. to look for claire's birthday gift
but all the stores were closed except for mac/subway/kfc etc
hahahaha silly of us. spent half the time in the arcade trying to win damn cute soft toys inside scam machines.
we didnt frame up 14 guitar picks in the end cos we couldnt buy enough picks :(
so we gave her some awfully random things put in an airlock container, hoped she liked it anyw :D

you've got aura :)

lunched at pizza hut .. noise pollution manzxc !!! thr were like twenty of us (aye attendance btr than class outing can)
knocked my head against rafflesia's chair was freaking painful i almost forgot almond hahaha (joshua ang are you reading this?)
tricked bday girl with candles that constantly reignite no matter how hard/many times you blow. hahahaha i think someone videoed it. damn funny

went to the arcade agn, this time with alllll of them. i left ten mins before threee. trained down to my greatgrandparents' place (which is whr i am blogging from now)
i think everyone else's gna come at like 6PM.
so i helped out with the decor and i fell from the ladder zomggggg hhahahahha

and hey, i still wna say sknaht for everything :D
sknaht for everything
sknaht for everything
sknaht for everything
sknaht for everything
sknaht for everything
sknaht for everything
sknaht for everything
sknaht for everything
sknaht for everything
sknaht for everything



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