Sunday, June 1, 2008

wish there was something inside me, to keep you beside me

call me childish or whatever, anyhow its a tid for a tad.

and walaoeh, why doesnt anyone (none at all) get the seriousness of this!
our dearest cleo's (or in my case, my dearest momo's) birthday is in -um count the hours please i'm having a headache now-!
maybe they all dont bother because they have already got their perfect gift wrapped up, and people like joonghan will just write an enormous 'I O U' card (like i used to do before i became thoughtful).
my point here is that, i have like no ideas for herrrrr gift at all (besides one spect of dust, um alfred.....)!
momo if you're reading this dont worry i'm just trying to scare you as a matter of fact your super huge thing is now on my bedroom floor so yeah just enjoy the last day of you beinggg fifteeeeeeen....! *ahem*
i'm quite a good liar in case you havent noticed.

yoursuperheromonstersizedsmile! says:
hahaha lady wld u just chill?
yoursuperheromonstersizedsmile! says:
she wun slaughter u for nt giving her a present
yoursuperheromonstersizedsmile! says:
or else u will b dead by nw
yoursuperheromonstersizedsmile! says:
since whn u give her presents =.=

i have awesome friends.

and i think i'll be having vocal lessons with my angel.
bless me.

i know i'm losing you


Anonymous said...

thats cos i've lost you.

Anonymous said...

dats why i gotto lose myself so that you dont lose me.

Anonymous said...

i love you.