Sunday, June 15, 2008

seek ye first the kingdom of GOD

and his righteousness
and all these things shall be added unto you
(singing) allelu alleluia

dear father in heaven,

you are the king of kings and the lord of lords,
we bow down to glorify your name.
you are the potter, and i am the clay,
lord, mould me to be more christ-like so that whatever i do may be pleasing to your eyes.
lord, you are my shepherd and i am your sheep
steer me from the paths of evil, keep me close so that i may walk in the light of your word.
you are also the great physician who heals me on both the inside and the outside.
above all, lord, you are my father in heaven.
as i come before you now, today, fathers' day, to thank you for blessing me with a wonderful father who shelters my family, loves us and takes good care of us, i want to thank you for being my heavenly father too.
father almightly, your love is steadfast, your love never fails.
your love is so wide, so long, so high and so deep, it surpasses knowledge (ephesians 3: 18-19). thank you for watching over us from up above, for protecting us, for not giving up on us even though all of us are sinners.
thank you for sending your son, jesus christ, to be crucified on the cross so that he can be the bridge that brings us to you, his holy blood cleanses us and makes us whole.
thank you, again, lord, for being my father, and for being such an awesome one.
lord almighty i would also like to acknowledge that i am a sinner.
i have done things unpleasant in your sight and i have said words that should never have rolled out of my tongue nor thought aloud in my head.
forgive me for all these plentiful wrongdoings lord, let me not fall into temptation again. let me remember that i am your child and i should take the path of righteousness.
lord, keep me by your side so that i wont falter and do evil.
i want to glorify you lord, give me another chance like you have done previously a million times,
i ask you to forgive me again.
tonight, father, i humbly come before you with an open heart and an open mind.
lead me to your words as i flip through the bible in search of answers to my questions.
you always have a way for me even when there seems to be no way, you work in ways we cannot see, but you will make a way for me.
you know what is best for me, lord help me make the right choices as i move on, as i grow physically and spiritually.
make me strong, make me rooted in your words.
father i would also like to thank you for enabling us to congregate in ppcoc today, so that we may uplift your holy name and sing praises unto you, and also learn more about you.
every sunday i seem to get closer to you, but i seem to be ever more closer to you today.
thank you lord, for loving me.
lord thank you for keeping my daddy safe while he was in indonesia the past few days.
also, thank you for blessing me bountifully the past week, thank you for letting me see the beauty in the littlest things - the melodius singing of the birds in the air, nature and its greenery, the cool weather and such.
thank you for keeping all my loved ones safe.
as i come before you, thank you lord, especially, for sending me friends, whom like angels, pick me up when i seem to falter and give me courage to stand up and walk again.
thank you for having them come into my life so that my every day is an enjoyable one.
althought i may resent my family sometimes, thank you for them, thank you for bringing me into this family. sometimes they are my source of joy and my pillar of support.
let me learn to be more patient and kind with them, let me not be so easily frustrated with my brothers, let me appreciate them more.
father, thank you for all the small blessings you have bestowed on me today, the hearty supper just now, the fun and laughter i had in church too.
lastly, thank you for loving me.
i love you.

in jesus' most holy name i pray,

today's fathers' day!
i feel a tad guilty, no, very guilty because i havent got any gift for my daddy and he's being so nice about it. well i did offer to pay for supper just now but he refused so its not entirely my fault that i am not the best daughter one can ever wish for (inside joke, hoho momo).

oh dangzxc its alr 12.18am and i've got training tmr (although i dont know what time it is and i sure hope its at 2.30PM).
i'm getting really huge ugly eye bags and well thank god i am as dark as a dark. yes, as dark as a dark, hahaha.

i shall go type the post i owe cleo and then go to bed.


p.s. i didnt get to go to f_r_i_ hyung's house, awwwww :(


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