Wednesday, June 11, 2008

but all these thoughts are leaving you tonight

and i totally flipped/sucked during training!!! !!! !!! :(
*dies more devastatingly (hur?!)*

i had one whole eel for lunch today!!! !!! !!! :D

screw the photoshooting company policy!!! !!! !!! D:
*hyperventilates more*

boy am i hungry!!! !!! !!! :O
*hyperventilates even more*

*and dies*


i am blogging because sudden inspiration/encouragement from my dearest trik hyung struck me.

you say i'm a stranger, still says:

you say i'm a stranger, still says:

its so says:
tsk! again?!

its so says:
i think you should amke a list of the things that go up your nose

you say i'm a stranger, still says:
okayi, fine

you say i'm a stranger, still says:
i shaaaaall do it hahahhahahhahahha

its so says:

its so says:
okay good

you say i'm a stranger, still says:
actually not a lot lei, only like four lah!

its so says:
maybe then you can like submit it to the world records thingy

you say i'm a stranger, still says:

so hahha, here's the much awaited list!

Things which have gone up my nose:

  1. Water from the swimming pool
    - way back when i was little, like six or something. but c'mon lah everyone has got this experience!
  2. Spaghetti strands from Pasta Mania
    - and i tell you why it happened! trik was feeeeeding me like so much (or many strands) at a time and she reloaded my mouth so fast, it just sorta went up my nose. oh and i sneezed/blew it out (of my nose). big deal.
  3. Cheese
    - this has got to do with trik too! cos me and liv were over at trik's and we were starving so we shared a slice of cheese. and then um, it just went up my nose. i blew them/it out too. and the smell didnt go away till days later it was awful.
  4. Water
    - just minutes ago when i was drinking from my mug. it just did, okay?!


oh no there's traininggg later on.
i'm hungry already ............!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

walao, i cant believe you just posted it! (actually i can) do you know that your reputation to others is all gone! but never mind, i dont think i mind.