Sunday, April 6, 2008

i swear every word is true (cos), i dont want wanna lose you

update @ 7.43pm:
i am extremely traumatised by that freaking optical illusion.
i will never look at stupid black pictures and get scared like that ever again.
i will not get owned by my own curiosity.
now i feel so silly, raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh D:


i promise that i'll never break your heart (ever again).

ooofs, i am really excited! i'm the midst of planning operation s-surprises and i think my ideas haven been really cool thus far, yo.

i think i can like ms yu see yee after all. i mean, i never expected her to say those nice stuff about me (though they are true) at the parents-teacher-meeting.
i've been a horrible student but, i guess she looked at it from a different angle.
or maybe she forgot about all the bad stuff i did.
whatever it is, thank goodness!

i went to the library after church today. i have been wanting to digest some heavy literature or mindrope/heartstring-tugging novels but lo and behold, i couldnt borrow those four titles which i painstakingly spent three quarters of an hour choosing.
why? clap please, i have somehow managed to accumulate like, eight dollars of debts (to the library) and am thus banned from borrowing any material till i clear off the whole sum!
screammmmmmmms (your head off)!
what the banana, pui.
i was so grr-ed i literally rolled my eyes (haha, yes, at the loan machine) and apologetically and embarrassingly (what a word) took the books (and my card) and stalked off with my head hung low.
what a total waste, i think those four titles were really great books (sigh).

anyw, mc fell yesterday during her match (nsl)!
okayi i dont think she even felt the slightest wee bit of pain (or maybe it was just a slight wee bit), but still - she fell you know!
as like, the only present member of mcfc there at bsh (at that point in time), i felt like it was my responsibility to report that sighting (horrendous choice of adjective, so sorry!) to my lao da!
and now, look (or rather, read)!
everyone is so very concerned about ms chen (or paranoid).
or maybe its my fault cos i kinda exaggerated a bit, oh well whatever blah
oh hey my heart ached when she fell alright.

co-founder. says:

★ haraS hoG™ i promise never to break your heart (again). © says:
you all change the url?

★ haraS hoG™ i promise never to break your heart (again). © says:

co-founder. says:
trik scared ppl know about it then she got a bold idea to use the current url

★ haraS hoG™ i promise never to break your heart (again). © says:
ar? hahhahaha

★ haraS hoG™ i promise never to break your heart (again). © says:
aye whats the user and password?

co-founder. says:
zheng suo wei, zui wei xian de di fang shi zui an quan de

haha, mcfc rocks (to the apple core) manzxc!

i made homemade mac-and-cheese for lunch! ohwell, two-in-one.
i think it comes with a stomachache, uh-oh.

off to the loo i go,

1 comment:

unrevealed love said...

i am forced by nicole lim something xian to say I LOVE JKBG.