Monday, April 21, 2008

baby let's pick off from where we left

perhaps loss of blood has to do with my seemingly recent grouchiness - i am not to be messed around with (okayi joking).

i sat with a weird lady (who had a sorta funny chinese accent, and it was worst than mine so there you go) on the bus ride home from cck. well i gave her a polite smile upon taking the seat beside hers and i guess she took it as a conversation initiation so she first asked about my ethnicity. i replied out of courtesy and thereafter buried my head in my hands because i was really tired. guess what? she poked me (like, yes, poke) and kind of asked me (uh more like command in fact) to read some flyers and translate it for her understanding and all. then she started talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking....... yeah, still talking
but it was nice when she said "god bless you" just before she alighted.

i feel sort of accomplished because i am on track/on task in, you know (no you dont haha).

i hold back sometimes, cos i am afraid that you will take me for granted and subsequently my littlest actions will no longer mean anything to you. sometimes the nobler act is letting go - but can you? i cant. all i need is for you to be happy - and appreciate my small random acts.

my aunt just got her very first handphone, and she sent me a birthday message! alright i know the date is messed up and everything but i am still very honoured because according to her i'm her very first text recipient.

i cant wait for saturday - i just hope i wont screw it up.

weights tomorrow yo.




Anonymous said...

nothank you, evol. "EVOL" does it ring a bell?

Anonymous said...

got your presents? surprised?