Wednesday, April 30, 2008

there's hope in every heartbeat

cross my fingers, i hope thz doesnt slaughter me on friday.
"sarah, you are not on task at all!" grrrrrrrrrrrrr manzxc.
oh and then i'll have to go meet (meat, haha trik) mk on that day too. i bet its gonna be a mind-taxing emotions-draining dayyyyyyy :(

mid-years are in two days. i feel the pressure buildingggggg.
i want to fly away in a hot air ballooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

i havent exactly been feeling the urge blog, dont know why lei/
and i miss mc.
i'm not gonna see her tmr you know, mcfc let's all die.
i'm not gonna see my darling either, sighs

oh well i've got plans for tomorrow alr! yay trik and i will go over to yy's place and do some hardcore mugging. okayi, not some. like plentiful of it - five hours hopefully. i cant afford to screw up my upcoming papers (especially not after failing all my graded assignments). ahur, stresseedddddd. it'll be great if we could squeeze some time off to bake yo.
discipline. and goodness we took a really long time (actually not luh) to find a place which is free-of-distractions, quiet (but not so much that we cant study), got personal space etc.

i cant help but sneeze non-stop. who's thinking of me [so very vigourously (bad vocab so sorry)], own up now alright. sneezes, sneezes.
i think i can form a one-man band yeah.
and what's wrong with me i think the mucus has gotten to my brain. like, block it or something.
i wasnt talking any sense when i was phoning trik just now.

what an ugly post, yuck.

i feel impatient.
sneezes on you

Monday, April 28, 2008



four rv netballers found dead in the kalamari desert (actually, the netball court).
cause of death is unknown, corpses were found sprawled on the floor.
however, a possibility would be excessive inhalation of pesticide (uh, they were spraying it yo).
sarah: are we mosquitoes? are we? are we?!
trik: yes, yes we're pests.
sarah and trik and kristal and rae: *dies*

trik: eh, are you taking? are you? (talking to kristal abt shooting statistics)
kristal: yes...
sarah: yes, yes! *uses handphone to pretend to take pictures (like my phone has a camera)*
trik: *gives a dang lame face* *starts doing ultra unglam poses* *james bond hahahhahha*
trik: okay, okay, i know. i want to go home too. we all miss home very much.

and then, we cracked ourselves up by lip-syncing/singing and trying to shoot album covers (using shadows). oh and by planning to throw the soccer ball over the fence if it rolled to us, because the boys said something rather crude to us (like chio) and they didnt want to pass our ball back initially, grrrrrr.
my, it was awfully fun under the sun!

oh and well, it was so dang embarrassing today cos i, along with four other classmates (btw chairman included), had to shift my table and chair out of the classroom to complete my assignment. so i/we had to bear with all the quizical looks those people from level two (who were going about their toilet routine so the untimely) shot me/us.
and i know the parental department is very disappointed in me cos thz called them up. and dang, fish and i have gotta face mk tmr. die, die, die. last words, anybody?

yay thanks twinneh again for kite!

darling i came so close to losing you.
i never ever ever ever want to experience it again.
and, (no)sorry.


the more i try to hide them, the more i am revealing them.

thanks twinneh :)

Sunday, April 27, 2008

why wont you take all of me and sweep me off my feet

i didnt go for bible class because the parental unit woke up only at 0930. and then i had another boring sunday afternoon at changi's safra.
i succumbed to peer, no, sibling pressure and played one game of bowling. guess what, i got my first ever strike, ten pins down yo! beams and starts laughing at all the other asses who still use alley bumpers (like my brother the imbecile haha).
after that i started revising for physics. i did like, half a worksheet before i kicked the table leg out of exasperation and desperation (because there were only two questions i understood), afterwhich i started tearing because it felt as though my big-toe was broken.
oh and i slept by the poolside again (p.s. i saw gross scandalous stuff).

urgh. well kristal and yeyun, i agree with you both that life isnt exactly (always) fair. but i guess "it can only be summarised in three words: it goes on."
we'll all be happier counting our blessings, no matter how great or how small. hey, someday! someday MC will talk to us casually (like friends)! someday MC will appreciate what we have down (or what we are intending to do)! life is not fair, but think about it, your life is good enough (because you've got me as your girlfriend number two, haha kidding).

my dad said something which shook me hard pretty much.
he said "dont take these things for granted."
i must admit that i have been. i have always been taking a lot of things for granted. if i really really want something i know how to get it. i can play around with my words, the person, and whatever circumstances may be. now there's this something or someone that i dont want to take for granted. but thing is, i cant even take it. much less, take it for granted.

why dont i mean to you as much as you mean to me,

Saturday, April 26, 2008

today (all in the name of love)

mc, mc, mc, mc ... ... mc, mc, mc, mc ... ... mc, mc ... mc!
i cant stop thinking about her!
oh die i think i am infatuated (by the way this word means that you can look at a uhm, mushroom and actually see ms chen - oh what a horrible example anyw). haha, mcfc, we all are.
went to our blog and readdddd trik's longggggg post and got myself jealous all over again. well i was literally squealing with excitement when i talked/screamed/shouted/squealed with trik on the phone yesterday (abt her first officially casual mc-conversation).
MCHF (is that a lil too obvious oops hah) :D

okayi, to my (other) love (besides MC) -


Friday, April 25, 2008

tomorrow (is important)

i've got the star constellations! okayi i stole them from trik's phone (i couldnt help myself):
- betelgeuse
- bellatrix
- alnitak
- alnilam
- mintaka
- orion nebula
- saiph
- rigel
some of them sound pretty funny.

i am proud of myself because i finally picked up what nouns, adjectives, adverbs and verbs are. like finally, after fourteen years of my life.

read the title.


Thursday, April 24, 2008

the shadow of the day

okayi, let's just say i have no idea how to operate this (sound tech) thing. ooofs but i managed to come up with an arranged bar of beat (how wonderful)!

darling where's your patience?! hur, where? :D

i'm going to be awfully fat cos i had three cakes yesterday - okay enough of my birthday stuff because suddenly i feel like i never want to grow up. maybe i got sorta influenced by mitch albom's for one more day. kids lead wonderful, innocent lives. kids do not try to commit suicide thrice and fail all three times (seriously, how pathetic could chick get). kids are happy.
"my teacher asked me what i wanted to be when i grew up. i said, i wanted to be happy. she told me i didnt understand the question. i told her that she didnt understand life."

i've got another aspiration! okay to date: zookeeper (half time)! lawyer (half time)! writer (half time)! photographer (freelance)! sunflower grower (quarter time)!
i hereby add language arts teacher to this longggg obcrate list.
well ms chew said i will be a good one because i am meticulous (and yay).

well i went around to look for/buy ______ ___________ with tricia kok! she was such a naughty girl today, tsk. but oh well thanks a gahzillion for skipping your tuition to gallivant about with me (or maybe you should be thanking me). oops what cat did i just let outta the bag.
anyw, as i was sayinggg - oh we came back empty handed (save for sushi i guess).
it was reallyyy funny, how we pretended to be uh some interviewer and interviewee (now, didnt your mom teach you how to offer your chocolates, haha). and how we almost pee-ed in our pants. and how that idiot was scratching her throaat. and how we were trying to hide from ___ ___ cos this fella was in her PE attire. hhahahhahahhaha, laughs your head off.
yay hyung!

dont you all want to own what you like/love?
dont you? why act so noble and force it upon yourselves that "nothing can be wrong if she be well" (r and j quote btw)?
you know your heart never truly buys it.
i dont get it, i dont get it, i dont get it............!
sometimes i dont get myself either.

there is nothing brilliantly lit(erature) about this post (sigh).
i wonder if the sky is really green,

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

happy birthday to me, one

a wee short post cos i have like a whole mountain of shit, i mean homework.

thank you for your unpredictable and wicked (haha) gifts, and oh yes for good wishes/remembering too.

i accepted my first proposal today <3
then got a couple of other gifts/and a cake.
and thank goodness for speedpost yo (the impossibly big photo collage and the collection of CDs)!
what shocked me the most was the professional home (music) studio. i mean, i got home and went to my room, only to find two unfamiliar men in blue shirts unpacking this gigantic box (like seriously big please). took a closer look and realised that it was a home studio (oh my oh my oh my). i was reallyyyyyy excited but i felt even more guilty cos the most inexpensive one i have ever come across costs near a thousand bucks. oh, jamsters.! -melts-

and my primary school buddies remembered my birthdayyyyyy!
i was really touched.
you can say it again,
i was really touch.
"little miss scatterbrain was just a little bit forgetful.
you can say that again.
little miss scatterbrain was just a little bit forgetful."

pizza, and more cake.
i feel less forgotten.

oh yay :D

Monday, April 21, 2008

baby let's pick off from where we left

perhaps loss of blood has to do with my seemingly recent grouchiness - i am not to be messed around with (okayi joking).

i sat with a weird lady (who had a sorta funny chinese accent, and it was worst than mine so there you go) on the bus ride home from cck. well i gave her a polite smile upon taking the seat beside hers and i guess she took it as a conversation initiation so she first asked about my ethnicity. i replied out of courtesy and thereafter buried my head in my hands because i was really tired. guess what? she poked me (like, yes, poke) and kind of asked me (uh more like command in fact) to read some flyers and translate it for her understanding and all. then she started talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking....... yeah, still talking
but it was nice when she said "god bless you" just before she alighted.

i feel sort of accomplished because i am on track/on task in, you know (no you dont haha).

i hold back sometimes, cos i am afraid that you will take me for granted and subsequently my littlest actions will no longer mean anything to you. sometimes the nobler act is letting go - but can you? i cant. all i need is for you to be happy - and appreciate my small random acts.

my aunt just got her very first handphone, and she sent me a birthday message! alright i know the date is messed up and everything but i am still very honoured because according to her i'm her very first text recipient.

i cant wait for saturday - i just hope i wont screw it up.

weights tomorrow yo.



Sunday, April 20, 2008

shut up and drive

okay a picture paints a thousand words and i have (go count yourself), so yes.
anyw today was full of fun and laughter, and a lil bit of emo stuff at the end but still i enjoyed myself mighty much.
yay my boyfriend rocks. i never really expected her to ever so randomly get me a sunflower.
oh and i named it octopus.
i am touchedddddddddddd :D

i feel like a saint.

darling i love you.


go figure, love

two silly people went down to an empty, unhappening tpsh yesterday - thinking that nsl was ongoing that saturdayyyyyyyyy. how silly aint it.

i hate it when my darling seems to be mad at me.
i hate it when i get sudden flu uh, attacks (bad choice of word) and cant stop sneezing.

off to holland v i go. oh great place to test out my repaired olympus (there will be pictures in other words)!

ciao to the world.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

whistle for the choir

i am feeling very sorry for myself now. my life seems pathetically screwed at the moment. turned out, i could not wake up at three in the morning today (actually no surprise but still) and thus had only a teeny weeny bit of time to study. and that was before assembly when everyth (from the clouds to nicole's pocky sticks) distracts me! not to mention that i wasnt in the mood for any kind of last minute mugging. i rarely am, i suppose.
so congratulations and celebrations to me stone-head, i am almost sure i will get a zero for that pui-ing maths test. and it should be the first in my life. i dont know if i should laugh or cry. well it seemed as though this hardly affected me in the day but its hitting me reallyyy hard now. like, oh no dang die. shit. and then there's this load of assignment of which pile is as thick as (the brain juices in) my head (which is absolutely the thickest ever). i cant breathe. i am hyperventilating. okay no i am not, but i think i sometimes do hyperventilate when i sleeep (naturally). back to the point about homework. well i actually resolved, right after that creep of a maths test, to mug incentively hard and all. just when i feel the rush and motivation the stinking work has to comeeee right smack into my face. so much at one go i dont feel the urge to be a good student anymore. its alright if you dont get what i mean, because (i know i know) i am losing my flow of writing, all my substantial points, all the literarature words and all the pargons - and that is another reason why i am so annoyed with myself. then, i am feeling so small and pitiful as neither the school library nor the jurong east library (which supposedly has an avalanche of books) has any of jodi picoult's books which are not on loan, in transition, or lost. i now have to borrow the book from ms. greedy tricia kok. and she claims i have to lend her something in return, thats how life works. i will be a mighty friend and lend her a cookie. and she will have to return it to me only after i have finished reading her book. no you read correctly, one cookie fullstop sigh the jamster's gig is coming up and i cant take the pressure. please pray for me. i am thankful for some people still remember my birthday. smiles to myself. i have come to terms with it and i will not be expecting much from my schoolmates because i think i have been keeping to myself a whole lot these days so much that no one seems to remember me. i am just happy i have three five minute present-collection dates from my churchies and jamsters have been repeating and repeating and repeating the countdowns to my birthday. and of cos, (i hope) i have my darling. i feel like a pessimistic ass now. i am no longer looking forward to my birthday. nor any other day. oh dang do i sound suicidal, i think i do.
i am amused by how emo i sound. and how long this unparagraphed paragraph is.
p.s. this is not pms. i just miss tomtom a lot (haha). and i want to read something stephenie meyer. i wonder when my ankle will fully recover. a childhood should not be wasted on doing stupid assignments and CID projects. what a waste manzxc, what a waste.
i know i will feel all smiley again tmr. life's like this - constantly in motion. so much that i sometimes find it hard to catch up with myself. stay in touch, yo.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

jodi picoult and the rainbow connection

all ye lazy people, go crazy mug shit for the maths test tmr (what kind of english is this haha)!
i am determined not to get zilch (or zero).

Why are there so many
Songs about rainbows
And what's on the other side
Rainbow's are visions
They're only illusions
And rainbows have nothing to hide
So we've been told and some chose to
Believe it
But I know they're wrong wait and see

Someday we'll find it
The Rainbow Connection
The lovers, the dreamers and me

Who said that every wish
Would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that
And someone believed it
And look what it's done so far
What's so amazing
That keeps us star gazing
What so we think we might see

Someday we'll find it
That Rainbow Connection
The lovers the dreamers and me

Have you been half asleep
And have you heard voices
I've heard them calling my name
Are these the sweet sounds that called
The young sailors
I think they're one and the same
I've heard it too many times to ignore it
There's something that I'm supposed to be

Someday we'll find it
The Rainbow Connection
The lovers, the dreamers and me

i know we'll find it.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

strikes me, like a lightning bolt

dang my _____
dang my ____
dang my passes
dang rv (woohoo it actually rhymes haha).
argh okayi enough of danging i shall be optimistic for a bit, sigh.

anyw i just found out that my mom has already made plans for my june holidays (the period the parental department will be away)!
well she sorta knows that i will make use of this unsupervised-by-authorative-figure period to gallivant (my heart out), and hence has formulated a plan to lock me within my compounds.
ooofs, she asked me to invite a (or a few) friend(s) over for a couple of days to do homework, watch tevee, talk, eat, play, etc (all those in-house activites). oh yes and baking, how could i have forgotten!
it seems pretty fabulous isnt it? but the catch here is that i cant go out in that whole time.
which means, neither can my friend(s).
to put it bluntly we will just be locked in. grrrrrrrrrr.

lly is a bold, strong, cheerful eggtart with very inconsistent laughter.
she will not be easily defeated, yo.

how deep is your love for me,

Monday, April 14, 2008

your life is for you to live and for you to love

i am a model student (haha, right).
i text with my phone hidden in my big handy roxy case, i read books (actually i have finished jodi picoult's vanishing acts which so totally rocks to the apple core) under the table, and i blog when everyone else is researching on some (boring) ancient chinese mathematics.
its no wonder no one believes that i am trying (very hard) to turn over a new leaf.

anyw, yesterday was sorta family day.
spent my late morning till evening at changi's safra. we always go there. and we always park at the very same spot.
i hadnt been counting on spending my whole day there. uh, not until i realised that my tote was so packed it could have doubled as a duffle bag.
was feeling pretty anti-shit, so i missed the first two bowling games but eventually put my book down and joined in. (for the first time) i bowled.
(haha) didnt have a lot of fun because i was too caught up in being so agitatedddddddddddd. and the parental department plus its co-units were laughing there heads off cos i sucked really bad.
i mean, i hit like, ten pins down.
well no its not a strike. more like, that was all the pins that fell throughout the whole game.
after that my brothers decided to spontaneously swim in their underwears/boxers.
i had a good laugh at my youngest bro's fish-pattern one.
well i was sitting on this beach-chair, sun-tanning (yes, in my levis and a tee).
slept for an hour, then got woken up by a water-squirting rubber duckie.
went to some seafood restaurant by the coasts, and i saw denise keller eating with another caucasian, a chinese and a bald indian man. so racial (harmonyish, no kidding).
i ate so much and i wasnt really full. oh dear, my diet plans, gone awry againnnnnnnnnn.
i need to lose weight so that i can jump further for my SBJ.

and heh my twin gave me kinderbueno(s) (and a note) - i have no idea why she is :( with me?
think hard.

i cant take the distance,
i want a sunflower,
i want to eat a strawberry,
i want to live,

Friday, April 11, 2008

what about now, what about today

just one and a half hours ago i told myself that "i'll carry you through it all even if my ankle hurts with every step i take."
now i dont know if it still applies. i dont know if it is worth it.

no faith, no trust, much less talk about 'us'. is it true that i am just a big fat liar in your eyes?
you dont believe me (enough), you dont think that i am capable of keeping my promises and staying true to my words.
... i am not angry, just heartbroken.
all that i try to do and all that i try to say is not reciproctrated - as a matter of fact i reckon its even appreciated.
i am trying to have your heart in one piece, but you're always smashing mine into shattering bits with your lack of concern, your silence, and most gravely your lack of belief in me.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

candle light, blue flames green flames, lead me home

i am sinking into depression because i cant clear the 'A' for my standing broad jump.
of cos i'm kidding,
but only about me being depressed.

i wrote two horrible pieces into my lit-collection excercise book today,
outrageously boring ones.
i cant tear the pages out though, i dont like those jagged untorn bits which are still stuck on the bind.
after all (you're my wonderwall), i'm a perfectionist (i wish).

i want to write pretty poems and punny (not puny) paragraphs but i've got zero inspiration. you know, like zero coke (or coke zero).

i was unluckily picked by ms chew to present my personal response question (answer) using the visualiser. i spent half the lesson rumaging through all my stuff but i couldnt find it, and was thus utterly humiliated by that vertically challenged, unusually witty teacher. she said i ate my homework up.
tsk, first she used me as a subject for the example on the word *relegate (ms chew said, "sarah was relegated to a toilet cleaner." then stinkyyyy bolun said "but, that's a promotion!" oh dang the whole class laughed.), then this.
*relegate means to give a less important or authorative role or title to someone/opposite of promote
but optimistic as i am, i'll take it as an honour yo.

i think i shall go around speaking in euphemisn (and get so impatient with myself and saw my head off).

i have never watched a horror in my entire life. should i watch my first (three) by attempting the hannibal trilogy? someone watch with me!
anything recommended by ms chew should be good.

anyw, after ten million years i finally spoke to mr leumas eew yesterday.

life sucks when you're broke (or worst negative value eh). okayi maybe only during break/lunchtime/dinnertime whaatever blah as long as you get my drift.

i lent my camera to my aunt and she spoilt it :(
buying me sweets from that-country-i-forgot-which does not make me feel less murderous (haha).
i am crossing my fingers that my olympus is still under warantee!

i never cease to amaze myself with my all-round stunts and feats.
i think i hurt my ankle (again) while pushing open the glass door at yew tee macdonalds (where cleo bought me an apple pie). i have no idea how i mananged that.
but to think of it my ankle has not yet fully recovered, grrrrrrr

i felt so useless. why wont you let me share your pain? :'(
epiphany song,

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

pencil lead and stickman, gay elephant loves banana peels

i have another career aspect to look into! well i might venture into film researching/analyzing, get a degree in it or something. i was inspired in lang arts class (or rather, by ms chew).
note that almost all of my inspirations/brilliant ideas are gotten from literature stuff!

i ran my napfa two point four today. i am not exactly very satisfied with my 12.59 cos i am sure my knee (pain) held me back a little. i dont know if i should run the second and third trial because i feel that it is mentally very exhausting. i didnt die after today's run does not guarantee that i will survive the coming ones. what doesnt kill you makes you stronger?
i am (no)sorry i make no sense my brain is empty now (just like my stomach though i ate a lot from macs just now)

oh and as i said, i went to macs with rachel to mugggggggggggggggggggggggg (i am trying to turn over a new leaf, as if).
we fed on treats and future money (made simple, borrowed).
dang was i glad nicole was around (cos she had the cash, or rather loaded friends and i think she felt generous just now).
i completed an assignment. an overdue one, but whatever blah i am still quite proud of myself, yo.

i think IUD was fun. at least, the food was. not fun, but, well, good.
the best part of it all was the paint fight (or the aftermath of it - though not so good for ms kristal low yi lin who was so full of angst and worry) and the MC stalking mission!
oh well we were like MC's shadow (i mean it literally).
i wonder if she knows what we were doing, it was kinda obvious, tsk.
like how we quit in the middle of the game (indian one) and ran out to chase after MC cos she finished her game at the other table.
we are obsessed people, but like what tricia said, we'll be laughing at our sillyness and stupidity (though we dont see it now i think we will in half a century) when we are like, what, sixty eight going on ninety years old yeah.
and who in the whole wide world is limpeh (mcfc tagboard)!?
i pui you manzxc, *spit spit spit and then smiles brilliantly to myself*

my primary five classmate, jo, (who is now in the states probably skipping all her semesters and going shopping instead) remembered my birthday!
but the card came way too early, haha.
she was afraid that it'd not arrive in time...
but it's reached me already!
i am sad to say that i dont remember hers and i am frantically looking through my autograph book (the one we all wrote on when we were about to leave unity), hoping to find her particulars
(well i guess i'm pretty in line with the film we analyzed during lang arts today, eh - autograph book). and then i'll feel less guilty.

c? c? r? s? n? n?

nincompoooooop, i came across something really interesting in rachel's folder.
lo and behold, the shakespeare insult kit.
i think one goes like, (thou) gorbellied knotty-pated giglet!
it doesnt exactly make anyhow any cow or sheep or goat or donkey sense to me, but i think its sounds cool.
like instead off, you ass! or you idiot!
or you son of a gun (oops sorry i didnt mean that)!
imagine yourself with so much poise and class, in flawless pronounciation (even though you can read it all wrong with all the wayward intonations and funny stresses and they will never know cos they dont even recognise the word), saying "ya-da ya-da ya-da (as in shakespeare insult and not plain ya-da)!"
then stare at the blank faces of the one before you, super got kick, no?
*smiles my lips out* you know, just like my signature smiley face.

i feel so nonsensical.
i hope no one comes to my blog.
cos then they will realise that i have lost my literature touch (if i ever had any in the very first place) and i am losing my sanity and i am becoming more lame and my posts are of less substance and my blah and my bloh and my pok and i can go on and on but there's no point cos this is it, the end.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

now i'm jumping up and down, you're the only thing around, you mean every little thing to me

i got myself entangled in a family (or brotherly) fight the moment i stepped into the house. boy am i sick of being the middleman! now the two irritating rascals are standing at a corner each, screaming and wailing their heads off. i feel sadistic, i mean, they kind of deserve that one hour worth of punishment.

and, i dont want napfa!
firstly, i cant jump (standing broad jump, absolutely not). we were trying/practicing while the year ones were doing some ball drill at the court today. i measured my distance by using my body as an estimating guide (as in i lay down) and oh gosh i think it was a miserable 1.6m.
secondly, i cant run. like, grrrrrrr screammmmmms (my head off). and 2.4km's tmr, all the best to sarah goh.

i have a craving for alcoholic beverages/liquor/food stuff.
and mind you this has nothing (not at all) to do with my emotional status/health yo.

and i forgot to mention this my previous post: mk's mini copen is totally cute.

blasé is the new favourite word, just like how speliing miztake id thw nnew nno sppelingg mistrake.
i'll saw your heads off - all you ugly, proud, blasé people.

context: ugly
euphemism: not facially endowed
sometimes going straight to the point beats going around the bush.
it's okay to be blunt.
i'd rather that than you lie through your perfectly aligned teeth, right into my disgusted face.
oh dang do i feel mean.

i want to be a writer.

obligation, or do i truly believe?

Monday, April 7, 2008

swing swing swing from the tangles of -

i am such a (insert word), i haven been reading through the archives of this random stranger i linked from some xanga blog.
well i cant help it cos that person's so interesting and funny in an awfully smart way, though she's (most probably) some rich brat who has showy cashcards and epilates almost every day.

i dont know why my recent responses have been so kinky, flirtatious (and at times downright outrageous) and really loud.

i'm happy today! i visted my greatgrand's.
being there in that cosy apartment makes me feel like a (little) kid. i find myself behaving stupidly or doing very childish stuff, but the point is they all laugh at it at a good, old, kind way.
i feel so accomplished when they smile (like i had just made their day). makes me feel self-actualized, like, see i am not that useless after all.
thus, i have decided to visit them on a weekly basis (when i have nothing to do in the while i am waiting for my evol).

CID cluster (ancient chinese mathematics) said stuff about some chinese legend/chinese lunar calender/chinese stuff that raked up some memories.
i used to be crazy over this series called my date with a vampire. i have like all three complete boxsets which are currently sitting on my desk collecting dust.
ooofs, now there's this overbearing urge to watch them all over again!
i am even thinking of sacrificing tonight's beauty sleep just so i can start (as soon as possible).
all hong kong (canto speaking) serials are addictive, i (still) find that dialect very intriguing and i imagine myself speaking as fluently in one of the hk directed serials one day (add canto actress to my to-be-when-i-grow-up-list!).
and note, today's was so cool time passed so fast, i was taken by surprise when mr ong chun ling announced the end of his lesson, yo.

i like to feel shielded/protected.

our first weights training starts tmr and oh boo, it is quite anticipating (you would agree with me).
and i have no idea where all my towels are! the pink one, the yellow/baige one, the purple floral one, the esprit coolt one, the winnie the pooh one, the src challenge one, the unity primary one!
tell me, how do all seven of your towels go missing overnight!
i mean, tomtom's disappearing act is understandable considering that it has legs and walks, but towels! hur.
anyw i must have faith in tomtom's search party.
i miss tomtom.

plan plan plan plan plan plan plan plan make you feel so whateverish beside me hahaha.

i want my camera back!
feels weird without my mini olympus. hey i am a to-be photographer yo (or not).

i'm a legend,

Sunday, April 6, 2008

i swear every word is true (cos), i dont want wanna lose you

update @ 7.43pm:
i am extremely traumatised by that freaking optical illusion.
i will never look at stupid black pictures and get scared like that ever again.
i will not get owned by my own curiosity.
now i feel so silly, raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh D:


i promise that i'll never break your heart (ever again).

ooofs, i am really excited! i'm the midst of planning operation s-surprises and i think my ideas haven been really cool thus far, yo.

i think i can like ms yu see yee after all. i mean, i never expected her to say those nice stuff about me (though they are true) at the parents-teacher-meeting.
i've been a horrible student but, i guess she looked at it from a different angle.
or maybe she forgot about all the bad stuff i did.
whatever it is, thank goodness!

i went to the library after church today. i have been wanting to digest some heavy literature or mindrope/heartstring-tugging novels but lo and behold, i couldnt borrow those four titles which i painstakingly spent three quarters of an hour choosing.
why? clap please, i have somehow managed to accumulate like, eight dollars of debts (to the library) and am thus banned from borrowing any material till i clear off the whole sum!
screammmmmmmms (your head off)!
what the banana, pui.
i was so grr-ed i literally rolled my eyes (haha, yes, at the loan machine) and apologetically and embarrassingly (what a word) took the books (and my card) and stalked off with my head hung low.
what a total waste, i think those four titles were really great books (sigh).

anyw, mc fell yesterday during her match (nsl)!
okayi i dont think she even felt the slightest wee bit of pain (or maybe it was just a slight wee bit), but still - she fell you know!
as like, the only present member of mcfc there at bsh (at that point in time), i felt like it was my responsibility to report that sighting (horrendous choice of adjective, so sorry!) to my lao da!
and now, look (or rather, read)!
everyone is so very concerned about ms chen (or paranoid).
or maybe its my fault cos i kinda exaggerated a bit, oh well whatever blah
oh hey my heart ached when she fell alright.

co-founder. says:

★ haraS hoG™ i promise never to break your heart (again). © says:
you all change the url?

★ haraS hoG™ i promise never to break your heart (again). © says:

co-founder. says:
trik scared ppl know about it then she got a bold idea to use the current url

★ haraS hoG™ i promise never to break your heart (again). © says:
ar? hahhahaha

★ haraS hoG™ i promise never to break your heart (again). © says:
aye whats the user and password?

co-founder. says:
zheng suo wei, zui wei xian de di fang shi zui an quan de

haha, mcfc rocks (to the apple core) manzxc!

i made homemade mac-and-cheese for lunch! ohwell, two-in-one.
i think it comes with a stomachache, uh-oh.

off to the loo i go,

Thursday, April 3, 2008

it was cool adventuring into another dimension and gilah-ing in the midst of a thunderstorm at the grandstand. though i slept for quite a long time there and i have no idea what they did while i was slumbering away (but i am pretty convinced they were poking fun at me yo). plus hyung was being an absolute sweetheart risking her life like that to come over to rescue us (or rather join in the fun).

everything seems to be wrong without tomtom.
my re-________ _____.
overbearing emotions.
and have i mentioned that my secret box is missing?! grr

dont care - dont tell.
i need your _______, but you obviously dont give a freaking damn.
i wish i was at the grandstand again. the shouting or more like screaming part felt so good.

hurts so much.


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

truly madly deeply (do love you)

(by savage garden)

I'll be your dream
I'll be your wish
I'll be your fantasy.
I'll be your hope
I'll be your love
Be everything that you need.
I love you more with every breath
Truly madly deeply do..
I will be strong I will be faithful
'Cos I'm counting on a new beginning.
A reason for living.
A deeper meaning.

I want to stand with you on a mountain.
I want to bathe with you in the sea.
I want to lay like this forever.
Until the sky falls down on me...

And when the stars are shining brightly
In the velvet sky,
I'll make a wish
Send it to heaven
Then make you want to cry..
The tears of joy
For all the pleasure and the certainty.
That we're surrounded
By the comfort and protection of..
The highest power.
In lonely hours.
The tears devour you..
I want to stand with you on a mountain,
I want to bathe with you in the sea.
I want to lay like this forever,
Until the sky falls down on me...

Oh can't you see it baby?
You don't have to close your eyes
'Cos it's standing right before you.
All that you need will surely come...

I'll be your dream
I'll be your wish
I'll be your fantasy.
I'll be your hope
I'll be your love
Be everything that you need.
I'll love you more with every breath
Truly madly deeply do...


urgh i still havent found tomtom. chick, where are you? :(
i've turned my bag over and flipped all that load of junk inside-out but still no sight of tomtom!
was kinda pissed with nicole lim when she gave me false hopes. i mean my heart was alr in my mouth and i got totally hyped and happy when you announced that you were the evil one who stole it and ta-dah "bluff you one".


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

believe me

pretty much an exciting day, yo.
we decided to gallivant around somewhere after mk chased us away (from year one's training). so we boarded bus 100 with nowhere in mind, went past vivocity/harbourfront area and alighted at some business district at keppels road.
hahhah, seriously had no idea where we were heading to so we just walked and walked and walked and realised that we were very near town. found out later that we were like, stuck in chinatown.
it was so funny cos we acted like we were backpack travellers/tourists and then we started speaking with weird accents and yes, we camwhored.
from telegraph street, to chinatown, then amoy street, club street (the super interesting place with so many shophouse clubs and cool shops, took most of our pictures there oh and retro like totally :D), back to chinatown (mrt station) and lastly tiong bahru.
chanced upon so many hidden potential-rendezvous, felt like somewhere else along that street (not singapore-ish).
but dang were we broke (found a POSB machine at the mrt station anyw).
i dont feel like elaborating anymore.
anyw my elaboration thus far does no justice to the fun we had (not at all).
so whatever blah.

urgh i've finished reading P.S I Love You.
i wanna lay my itchy fingers on another one of her books, i wish someone will get me a twenty dollar kinokuniya voucher - ohwell.
speaking of wishes! i just found out that i have an extensive wishlist etched in the drafts folder (messages) of my phone!
i didnt realise that the list had built up over the.. days/weeks/months.
1. an intricate musical box
2. simpsons boxset (special edition)
3. ATH-CKM50 (audio technica earphones)
4. das erzgebirge-hans wooden merry-go-round
5. NSL shirt (not the volunteer one, unfortunately)
6. a new phone (i dont know what model yet)
7. Point vouchers
8. a(nother) nike tote
9. that promise ring!
10. portable baking oven (grrrr)
....see what i mean (haha)?

hey you - quit reading my drafts, have a little patience yaaaah.

cos i, need time
my heart is numb has no feeling
so while i'm still healing
just try, have a little patience

a promise i seal with a kiss, (believe me)