Tuesday, February 12, 2008

i'd climb a mountain just to hear your echo

howdyyy people of my world (yeee-haaaaa)! i'm feeling awfully random now.
hickory dickory dock, the mouse went up the clock. the clock struck one, "ding!", the mouse came down. hickory dickory dock. just when you thought these nursery stuff were just senseless rhymes - heh you are dang wrong. this little rant here tells of how we as people (in this instance, the mouse) are always vulnerable to time. and that we are always running against it, trying to beat it, only to find ourselves trying even harder to catch up and go along with it.
oh my oh my, you get what i mean now (random, ha)?
i am very happy now. adrenalin pump manzxc, i'm so excited. (thou shalt not boast, anyw) but i really ammmm over the moon (and across the horizon, perhaps alr somewhere in space), you see. i've (finally) found a goal that i really want to work hard to achieve. like, i've found someth more meaningful than jumping [so that i'll reach one sixty-five (cm) by july]! just watch me.

but oh well. i just turned down jotay's offer. he wanted to buy me sunflowers on valentines day. i know i could have just swallowed my pride and very very eagerly said "oh yes of course-", but really, who offers to buy people flowers? then, tsk, sigh. i guess i'll just have to live with a sunflowerless valentines day for 08 (how sad, i know, dont rub it in).
i think i can be a better boy you know. i'll know how to use my (glib) tongue, and come up with lots of lovely surprises, and write loveee notes in beaaautiful handwriting. i'll be the romeo (just a lot less horny)! why, oh well. but - i am happy with who i am, tsk.

red is the colour of an apple,
orange is the colour of an orange,
yellow is the colour of the lemon and the sun, sun sun!
green is the colour of things and lots of things that grow
and then there's blue for the sky
and purple is the colour thats fun, fun, fun!
and when you put those colours side by side
now what do you think you've done
you've built a rainbow
and its a really beautiful one
its a really cute song okayi, cheery and everythinggggg. yayyyyness.

i've been succumbing to temptations and faltering to distractions more often nowadays. self control, discipline, gahhhhh. get well soon, hyung. fruit tarts! ohmanzxc oh manzxc i shall go eat. and oh, jovan's watching barney! and jerald's talking on the phone! and my maid is, is, whatevering, and oh look at this blog, that blog! (homework still on the tabel untouched since a century ago) sigh sigh, hhahahha.
why did it hurt me so bad to see ___ ___?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...