Tuesday, January 29, 2008

i would have answered you honestly, had the question been genuinely posted to me. but it was not/isnt. sigh.
i am not satisfied knowing/thinking/inferring/instincting that all i am is just a ____-__ ____/_____ ______/____________/whatever.
i want to know the answer really badly. but at the same time i'm very much afraid that your answer is the same as what i have been thinking all along. that i am just.. all that. if that was the case i'd rather not ask you and live in self delusion, cos as long as they didnt come from you personally, there is still a glimmer of hope i can hang on to.
thinking (again), gahhh.
i'm tired - shall do homework cos it will keep my mind off some stuff. at least for now. and partly also cos i cant afford to let ms yu complain to mk/ml/whoever so and so.
what if? just another star in the sky? brightest? lost?
i dont want to distant myself.

a? no comments.
b? no comments.
c? no comments.
d? no comments.
e? no comments.
sighhhhhhhh. my mind is blank.


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