Saturday, January 19, 2008

i think ms puva is not happy with me D: like very D:
she talked to me abt my p__________, my r_____________ as a c______,
and yes she made me feel really bad and really sad.
cos, she said that she was disappointed in me (again).
tried to make it up on court but, passes gah. bounce it mannn, bounce it ah.
but the last part of training was super exciting, lois yo haha.

after eating went to cck with yy fish and lois.
saw this blind lady and i (the mighty one with a golden heart, tsk) escorted her right to her bus 300. as in, she was literally holding my arms and i was bringing her there. yy was at the back and lois and fish were both like paving the way for her there. i felt incredibly good after that. fish was saying how lost someone feels when his/her world's just a space of darkness. i tried - closed my eyes and walked a few steps then i called, "hueyychyiii!" cos i felt really lost and alone and yes, that feeling just sucked. i'm really inspired/motivated/whatever the word.
if such a small act could make me feel this way, man i cant wait for someth big. for example, hahaahha, fish and co (no not that fish and chips major outlet). i want to be useful, be of some help, just want to do someth bigger.

indulged in a lot of yami yoghurt today - like three regular naturals. was kind of to keep away that urge to _____. but hey at least its like 97% fat free.

i took a reallyyyyyy long time to walk home today. i've been bringing my camera around with me cos i want to take a shot of a rainbow or some pretty clouds or stars or just someth amazing. there were like, totally lots of stars (yet again). and a rather nice moon half covered with clouds in a not-that-eerie-way. so i whipped out my olympus and started shooting at the sky.
but i couldnt capture anyth. all i got were these awfully blank and black and dull photos -

the stars -

the moon -

i'm not called ms cliche for nothing you know, i do live up to my name:
i guess pictures like these are really meant to be kept in the heart.
cos no camera can capture the beauty that is seen through your eyes.
i want a camera powerful enough. i want to ride a cable car and feel closer to the sky. i want to do well on tues. i want to just prove myself. i want to be happy.

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